Trees Planted


CO2 offset (in tonnes)


A Tree to Offset

Together, let’s make a greener planet! Join Lufthansa Group
‘A Tree to Offset’ campaign with SankalpTaru to help offset CO2 emissions and global warming. By making a donation of just INR 2500 for planting trees, you receive an exclusive INR2500 discount that can be redeemed on for your next flight. SankalpTaru will plant trees on your behalf and send you a picture and GPS coordinates of your tree. As a PartnerPlusBenefit member, you can now make your company a climate supporter by planting more trees and offsetting CO2 emissions!

A Tree to Offset

Together, let’s make a greener planet! Join Lufthansa Group
‘A Tree to Offset’ campaign with SankalpTaru to help offset CO2 emissions and global warming. By making a donation of just INR 2500 for planting trees, you receive an exclusive INR2500 discount that can be redeemed on for your next flight. SankalpTaru will plant trees on your behalf and send you a picture and GPS coordinates of your tree. As a PartnerPlusBenefit member, you can now make your company a climate supporter by planting more trees and offsetting CO2 emissions!


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*Currently due to new regulatory compliance, our international payment gateway service provider is unable to accept foreign contributions. They are making changes to their current workflow and also working with their banking partners to resume the services. These changes are made as per Reserve Bank of India's Notification no. RBI/2022-23/178. We are hopeful of receiving a resolution from them sooner, and we regret the inconvenience caused to you in the interim. We encourage you to support the cause and plant trees with us by making contributions directly to our designated bank account through SWIFT. For any assistance, please reach out to or the helpline +91 7409999111 (between 10 PM to 6 PM IST on all working days)

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