Meher Mirza's tree
A birthday tree for Meher Mirza
Tree Id
Planted date
Thu, 19 Sep 2019
Planted By
Esmail Samiwala
Planted Location
Project Green Thar
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Tree beneficiary
Progressive farmer
How did I help Devaram?
He is an extremely diligent farmer who entirely depends on his land’s produce to sustain his living. Your support to him in the form of fruit bearing trees would not only act as a helping hand for generating better living opportunities for him, but will also spread greenery in the vicinity.
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Tree beneficiary
Progressive farmer
How did I help Devaram?
He is an extremely diligent farmer who entirely depends on his land’s produce to sustain his living. Your support to him in the form of fruit bearing trees would not only act as a helping hand for generating better living opportunities for him, but will also spread greenery in the vicinity.
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