Meera Mehta and Maerav Meht's tree
Tree Id
Planted Date
Wed, 22 Sep 2021
Planted By
Meera Mehta and Maerav Meht
Planted Location
Project Enrich Biodiversity
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Tree Beneficiary
RTO Ground, Dive
How did I help RTO Ground, Dive?
Each planted sapling would act as an essential source of sequestering huge amount of carbon dioxide and purifying the atmosphere of Pune city and outskirts region. Our trees will not only increase the green cover over the capital city, but will also create a healthy ecosystem for its dwellers.

Tree Beneficiary
RTO Ground, Dive
How did I help RTO Ground, Dive?
Each planted sapling would act as an essential source of sequestering huge amount of carbon dioxide and purifying the atmosphere of Pune city and outskirts region. Our trees will not only increase the green cover over the capital city, but will also create a healthy ecosystem for its dwellers.