KAKHI's tree
Tree Id
Planted Date
Wed, 02 Jun 2021
Planted By
Tejal Kadakia
Planted Location
Project Protect Himalayas
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Tree Beneficiary
Gram Panchayat barbal post thauldhar district tehri garwal
How did I help Gram Panchayat barbal post thauldhar district tehri garwal?
SankalpTaru launched Project Protect Himalayas in 2012 in Chamoli and Tehri district to rehabilitate the flora and fauna of Himalayan region. Sankalp Taru foundation in collaboration with Yatra planted 500 number of trees of Mango, guava, lemon and pomegranate species to control forest fires, prevent soil erosion, land slides and add to the greenery of the land.

Tree Beneficiary
Gram Panchayat barbal post thauldhar district tehri garwal
How did I help Gram Panchayat barbal post thauldhar district tehri garwal?
SankalpTaru launched Project Protect Himalayas in 2012 in Chamoli and Tehri district to rehabilitate the flora and fauna of Himalayan region. Sankalp Taru foundation in collaboration with Yatra planted 500 number of trees of Mango, guava, lemon and pomegranate species to control forest fires, prevent soil erosion, land slides and add to the greenery of the land.