Will for Ishaan's tree
Tree Id
Planted Date
Fri, 30 Dec 2022
Planted By
Jenny Belknap
Planted Location
Project Enrich Biodiversity
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Tree Beneficiary
Anil Namdev Wandale
How did I help Anil Namdev Wandale?
Your Support to Anil Namdev Wandale in the form of fruit-bearing trees has helped in surviving his farm from the harsh weather conditions. Anil Namdev Wandale is thankful to you for providing them with hope. Also, each tree will contribute towards increasing the green cover of the region, prevent soil erosion and help recharge the groundwater table.
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Tree Beneficiary
Anil Namdev Wandale
How did I help Anil Namdev Wandale?
Your Support to Anil Namdev Wandale in the form of fruit-bearing trees has helped in surviving his farm from the harsh weather conditions. Anil Namdev Wandale is thankful to you for providing them with hope. Also, each tree will contribute towards increasing the green cover of the region, prevent soil erosion and help recharge the groundwater table.
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