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Celebrate Birthdays with Trees Online
Gift of Trees - Gift of Life

Celebrate Birthdays with Trees Online
Gift of Trees - Gift of Life

Plant Now

With the advent of the deadly virus in India, it has become a necessity to follow the norms and keep up with the advised precautions. While trying to do so, a lot of us are missing out on social gatherings and the fun we had while celebrating family occasions. One of those occasions are birthdays.
We, at SankalpTaru, understand the need to see your loved ones on your special day and that’s why the e-celebration. So, celebrate birthdays with your family online, by gifting them a tree as return gifts or planting a tree for yourself or your family member’s birthday, nurturing the planet at the same time.

Let’s plant! Let’s flourish!
How Birthday Gifting Works?


Friends for a Birthday T(ree) Party

Plant trees in their names

Gift Trees

as a Green Return Gift

Celebrate Gift of Life
Flourish Nature With Fruits and Greenery

Why Celebrate With Trees?
Birthdays mean cake, chocolates, new dresses, wall décor, glittery gifts and lots of friends; most of which doesn’t seem possible with the ongoing pandemic. But SankalpTaru offers you one of the most beautiful and memorable way to celebrate this special day.
You can plant a tree or gift a tree to celebrate your day and to heal Mother Nature. Cakes, chocolates and pastries last for a few minutes, but a tree not only lasts for a lifetime but also gives life to many. Trees create forests and forests are the foundation of life on earth. Without them, survival of the tiniest creature wouldn’t have been possible. From rainwater, food, ecosystem to wood, medicines and shelter, forests are the life support system of billions of species. To plant a tree means to take steps to create a forest and to create a forest means to make our planet healthy for ourselves.

That being the case, on your special day, we urge you to plant trees with us because we believe that the longest journey starts with a single step 😊
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