Your trees are now on Blockchain!
A distributed, decentralized database where digital information is converted into blocks, which once filled gets chronologically linked into a chain, hence blockchain. This technology works on the principle of information once uploaded never being altered or destroyed, thereby providing transparency and visibility. We have brought the same technology to assure that your trees are unique and immutable. Therefore, we believe it would bring in more trust and transparency through the adoption of this pathbreaking technology.

Check your tree's Blockchain registry status here:
Hurray! All trees planted after 17 March 2022 are available in the blockchain registry.
It is a distributed database that is shared among a computer networks’ nodes.
The whole aim of blockchain is to allow digital information to be recorded and distributed with no scope of editing, deletion or destruction of any data. Decentralization- if somebody tries to alter a record at one instance of the database, the other nodes would cross-reference each other and easily pinpoint the node with the incorrect information. This system helps to establish an exact and transparent order of events. This way, no single node within the network can alter information held within it.
Banking & finance- this sector may stand as one to benefit the most out of this technology than any other; i.e. to speed up the transactions & no business hours.
Currency- If a client’s bank collapses, the client’s private information is at risk, but Blockchain dissolves the central authority of bodies like banks, etc. and provides a more stable currency with far more applications and a bigger business horizon.
Healthcare- Ensuring privacy and authorized access to medical health records can leverage blockchain
Property records & Smart contracts- A computer code to do all the “third party” arrangements with no reliance on government or financial infrastructure could mean transparency and clear adherence to laws.
Supply Chains- Food chains like IBM Food Trust are opting for blockchain to track the journey and safety of their food products.
Voting- The use of blockchain here could mean eliminating the need for recounts and frauds.
– Improved accuracy with no human involvement
– Decentralization assures no data tampering
– Transparent Technology
– Builds utmost trust
– Technology cost
– Transaction time
– Carbon released in making those copies
This technology helps in saving the information of your trees i.e. name, tree ID and geolocation in the blockchain registry so that it remains there forever and no modification is possible. This prohibits allotment of any tree to more than one donor (mistakenly) as every latitude-longitude is unique thus enhancing the bond of trust and transparency between us and donors.
We heard some doubtful, apprehensive thoughts of our donors, concerned regarding there contributions, its authenticity, our vigility. So, we went beyond and adopted a technology so transparent that you will build the trust within us with your trees.
Now, you’ll be able to see the wheres, whats, hows, whys of your tree and a bold existence ratio of it on a global network.