Plant now

E Gifting With Trees
Gift of Trees - Gift of Life

E Gifting With Trees
Gift of Trees - Gift of Life

Plant Now

With the rampant spread of Covid-19 in India, it has become absolutely necessary to follow all advised precautions and norms. While trying to do so, a lot of us are missing out on social gatherings and family celebrations. We, at SankalpTaru understand the need to be with your loved ones on their special days and that’s why we have brought to you e-celebration.
Celebrate all special occasions with your family and friends online by gifting them a tree.

Let’s plant! Let’s flourish!
Gift a tree to make these occasions memorable

A Birthday Gift

lasts for a lifetime and also gives life to many!

Trees are a perfect example of giving back. Thank your friends for their love and care!


special bond of marriage and let it grow stronger like roots of trees

Welcome the little ones with a gift that grows with them
Keep memories of loved ones alive with a lifelong memorial in their name

One of the most wholesome and memorable ways to celebrate special days is by planting trees.
Materialistic presents are temporary but the damage they do to the environment stays for thousands of years, with their production and packaging adding to your carbon footprint. Go for an eco-friendly gift that heals the environment and makes all other life on Earth possible, go for trees.

We urge you to plant trees with SankalpTaru because we believe that the longest journey begins with a single step.
Contact us at for customized gift e-certificates.
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