Project Haryana Haritima
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Haryana 165.00/
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Haryana 165.00/
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Haryana 165.00/
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Haryana 165.00/
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No. of Trees


Tonnes of Fruits




Beneficiaries Directly


The majority of the farmers in Haryana have been dependent on the cultivation of paddy crops which require standing water. In the absence of rainfall, they heavily depend on the groundwater tables. This has led to the depletion of groundwater ...

The majority of the farmers in Haryana have been dependent on the cultivation of paddy crops which require standing water. In the absence of rainfall, they heavily depend on the groundwater tables. This has led to the depletion of groundwater and also moisture content on which the fertility of the soil depends. The plantation activity of fruit-bearing trees under Project Haryana Haritima will help to strengthen the livelihoods of the rural farmers while also helping to recharge the groundwater level and improving the quality of the soil.
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Tree Species

Guava, Lemon, Kinnu, Pomegranate, Sweet Lemon, Sweet Lime (Mosambi), Banyan, Fig (Anjeer), Mango, Apple Ber, Apple, Chikoo, Pear, Peach etc.

Program Coverage

5+ districts of Haryana

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